Terence here again! Man, am I excited!
Book 2 of 4 is here (officially) and I want to thank everyone for their support and enthusiasm! I'm sure anyone who picks up the book will NOT be disappointed.
In it you'll find some action-packed pages along with more revelation, not only in the main story, but also in the epilogue. We find out more of what the LIFELORD's true intentions are, as well as a bit more on those pesky H.A.L.O.s.
It goes without saying that book #2 is huge in its place of telling the entire story of BROOD: AWAKENING mini-series. I don't want to give away too much... just get the book!
And for your viewing pleasure, here are some short write-ups on the 'bad guys' in the BROOD saga. I mean, your heroes are only as good as their enemies, right? The following will shed a little more light on those enemies. Enjoy!
Lifelord: A brilliant scientist in the fields of genetics and cybernetics. Edward Kimble in reality, but behind closed doors, he is the Lifelord. His nefarius creations serve to protect his fragile ego. As a 'mad scientist', it goes without saying that his ultimate goal is to take over the world.
Aries: The Lifelord's crown jewel of created henchmen. This beast is cross-mutated with the head-strong ram. He also has the ability to create and manipulate nuclear fission and fusion, much like the BROOD leader, Hazard.

Bloodbath: This 'undead' mercenary created by the Lifelord maims and murders on a whim. The spikes on the end of each elbow are the perfect weapons to get his malevolent point across.

Firearm: An 'undead' mercenary created by the Lifelord. The huge cannons in the place of his hands are a menacing force. However, they also serve to keep him confined. To compensate, the Lifelord thought it fit to equip Firearm with two small arms to handle mundane duties.

Raven: Another 'undead' mercenary at the Lifelord's behest. He has razor sharp claws as well as talons on each heel. He also maims and murders on a whim.

Riot: Never at a loss for words, Riot is ready to give anybody the business in a fight. Although she is not 'dead' she works for the Lifelord by doing his bidding. Her entire skeleton is reinforced cybernetically making her nearly indestructible. Her propensity to do bodily harm is matched only by her unyielding energy.

Angel: This mafia don's thought process is always motivated by acquiring power, be it, financially or politically. He is burning the proverbial candle at both ends by dealing with both Richard Reuben and his arch-nemesis the Lifelord.

Barrage: This mafia boss is Angel's right hand man. His loyalty to Angel is unequivocal. He is the strong arm of the H.A.L.O.s evident by his numerous 'halos (small, golden rings)' that are draped over his torso. Barrage is always armed to the hilt, ready for anything.

Brash: This hot-headed mafia soldier is at the whim and behest of H.A.L.O.s organization and is constantly trying to prove himself in the eyes of his uncle, Angel. He has an unabashed confidence that takes priority over anything else in his life. He has no cares or qualms about anyone else's feelings, hence his name.
OK, so there you have it. The quote-unquote bad guys of the BROOD. Hopefully, this quick reference will give up a little more insight to these guys. At the least, maybe it will get you more interested. If so, check out our website here :
Pick up a copy. Why not, huh? Its only 5 bucks including shipping! And if you feel so inclined, check out our merchandise at the SINISTER STORE, here: